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2024 Las Vegas Super Bowl Streaker
Read more about the
Las Vegas 2024 Super
Bowl Streaker
[ English ]

In exceptionally general terms, there are 3 fundamental tactics used. You want to be able to hop between game plans almost instantly as the course of the match unfolds.

The Blockade

This consists of creating a 6-deep wall of checkers, or at a minimum as thick as you are able to manage, to lock in the competitor’s checkers that are located on your 1-point. This is judged to be the most acceptable strategy at the begining of the game. You can create the wall anywhere inbetween your 11-point and your 2-point and then shuffle it into your home board as the match progresses.

The Blitz

This is composed of closing your home board as quick as as you can while keeping your opposer on the bar. For example, if your challenger rolls an early two and moves one piece from your one-point to your 3-point and you then roll a five-five, you are able to play six/one 6/1 eight/three eight/three. Your opponent is now in serious trouble because they have 2 pieces on the bar and you have closed half your inner board!

The Backgame

This strategy is where you have 2 or higher checkers in your opponent’s home board. (An anchor spot is a point filled by at least 2 of your pieces.) It should be played when you are decidedly behind as this action much improves your circumstances. The best places for anchor spots are towards your opponent’s lower points and either on adjacent points or with a single point in between. Timing is essential for a competent backgame: at the end of the day, there is no reason having 2 nice anchors and a solid wall in your own inner board if you are then required to dismantle this straight away, while your challenger is moving their pieces home, considering that you do not have any other spare checkers to move! In this case, it’s more favorable to have pieces on the bar so that you might preserve your position up till your opponent provides you a chance to hit, so it may be an excellent idea to try and get your competitor to get them in this case!

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