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Backgammon is the oldest known game in history. Also known as the "wee war," backgammon appeared in ancient middle east approximately 5 millennia ago. However, Egyptians referred to backgammon as "Senat," which is a close style of the current game enjoyed today. Centuries ago, only citizens in power, the prevailing figures of royalty like Egyptian pharaohs, were permitted to play. The game began to grow around the planet over time. Various Backgammon variants have been created in various countries and cultures, but the main rules of those variants appear those of the ancient form . For instance, The Greeks took hold of the game and coined the title "bac gamen." From there, the Anglo’s borrowed backgammon in the 17th century and have continued to play it ever since. Backgammon and other archaic games were never accepted by a lot of churches. The clergy felt that the game was the tool of the Devil. This caused clergy to banish and destroy the game. The abolishment and burning did not prevent people taking part in games and having fun.

Computers give an additional arena for Backgammon. When different electronic games are available all-over the place, computer intellectuals in Artificial Intelligence (AI) use Backgammon for researching, developing and measuring AI theories and formulas because of the ease of game rules and complexity of techniques.

With the wide use of the web, backgammon has advanced to a completely new level. Quite a few may not be aware that net Backgammon is almost certainly installed on most of computers that run MicroSoft Windows operating systems by default under "Games" program group. Web Backgammon connects hundreds of thousands of gamblers around the globe. As soon as you join a web game website, you can wager on Backgammon against a computer, or against an actual player. Betting websites have been holding Backgammon tournaments frequently. You can play Backgammon for enjoyment, or for cash. There are thousands of clubs dedicated to net backgammon, along with exclusive software that you can download to bet with other players. Players enjoy Backgammon for the fact that it is uncomplicated but still needs heaps of attention and expertise.

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